What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about keeping people safe from harm and protecting their right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
It's everyone's responsibility to keep vulnerable adults, young people and children safe from exploitation or harm. Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
We are absolutely committed to safeguarding and protecting our tenants in Oldham and we will take action if anyone is being mistreated, bullied, groomed, harassed or neglected.
If you are worried that a child or adult may be at risk, there are a number of things you can do:
- If you suspect that the child or adult is in immediate danger then phone the police on 999
- If you believe that the child or adult requires emergency medical treatment, phone an ambulance on 999
- If there is no immediate risk, contact Oldham Council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
Types of abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Financial abuse
- Neglect
- Domestic abuse
- Self-neglect
- Exposure to substance abuse
- Organisational abuse
- Modern Slavery
- Domestic Abuse Policy
- Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy - March 2024
- Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy - March 2024
Concerned about someone? Report it
If you’re worried about a fellow FCHO tenant or their family, then you can tell us and we will help.
You can contact us in confidence to ensure your friend or neighbour will receive the help they need.
We encourage any resident, member of the local community, staff, contractors and any other person working with us to report anything they may consider to be a safeguarding concern.
We will respond to, record and risk assess all safeguarding concerns and incidents, working in partnership with, and referring to other agencies as necessary.
Where appropriate, we will share any such concerns with our partner agencies, in line with our own Safeguarding policy.
We will report serious incidents or allegations of abuse to the Police to investigate.

If you are worried about another resident or their family:
Call FCHO on 0161 393 7117 where one of our Contact Centre advisors will take details of your concern. Alternatively email safeguarding@fcho.co.uk
If you think there is an immediate risk of harm, to a child or adult, dial 999 and report it to police.
Useful Contacts:
Children’s Safeguarding – 0161 770 7777
Adults Safeguarding – 0161 770 7777