Leaseholder charges 2024/2025
Your annual charges review
Your lease says that every year we will review all your service charges.
We will only ever charge you for the cost to deliver services, we do not make any profit from service charges that we collect. The way your service charges are calculated is set out in your lease.
Service charges enable us to pay for services at your home that we provide as part of our lease agreement with you.
From April 2024, your service charge estimate will include a breakdown of all services that your property benefits from and these charges will be in line with your lease.
The service charge cycle
In line with our service charge annual cycle, in September we will write to you with a service charge annual account statement for the period 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024.
If actual costs for that period were less than we estimated, we will credit your share of the difference into your account. If costs were higher than we estimated, we will ask you to cover your share of the difference.

Your service charge estimate
Your service charge estimate includes a breakdown of all services that your property benefits from and these charges will be in line with your lease.
Below is an example of this year's service charge estimate.

List of service charges
The charges you pay depend on the services First Choice Homes Oldham provides for your building or estate or your tenure type, and the repairs we must do in shared areas. They are also dependant on the terms of your lease.
Service charges and repairs are usually divided between the number of properties in a block or development – whether occupied by a tenant, leaseholder, or freeholder.
Below is a current list of all services.
Administration Charge
Administration is based 10% of all items service charged. Administration is for the management of the services provided. Services covered by the 10% administration charge include, but are not limited to, the administration and management of the contract or service provided, and overheads associated with providing this service. Including preparing the charges and dealing with queries.
Asbestos Works
This is the cost for the removal or management of asbestos within the communal areas, internal and external.
Bin Chute Maintenance
This is to cover the cost of First Choice Homes Oldham keeping the areas safe and clear of rubbish. Removal of bulk waste, operative costs, and caged van attendance.
Bin Store maintenance
This is to cover the cost of First Choice Homes Oldham keeping the areas safe and in working order.
Building Maintenance
Covers the day to day of keeping the buildings sound, and its fixtures and fittings in a good state of repair (both outside and in shared areas). Will also include rubbish removal, pest control and graffiti removal where possible.
Building Maintenance – Caretaking
Caretakers are employees of First Choice Homes Oldham. They keep the communal and public areas clear of rubbish, report concerns on safety equipment such as emergency lighting, and fire alarms and ad-hoc maintenance.
Buildings Insurance/ Tax
This is the charge for the full 12 months and is renewed annually in April. Buildings insurance is arranged by First Choice Homes Oldham as it is required under the terms of the Lease. This is usually when the property is in a block of flats but is also the case where a property is owned on a Shared Ownership basis. A copy of your buildings insurance policy can be obtained from www.fcho.co.uk. The policy does not include contents insurance.
Covers the costs of communal CCTV monitoring systems, servicing, and repairs.
Communal Cleaning
This is the cost to regularly clean the internal shared areas of a block.
Communal Electricity
This charge is for the electricity supplied for the power used in shared areas. It may include corridor lighting, security lighting outside, fire alarms, running a lift etc.
Communal Water & Sewage
Monitor and maintain, water mains network, communication pipes, end of pipework, and supply pipes that carry water from company pipework into the property, up until the first water fitting or stop-tap inside your property.
Communal Window Cleaning
This is the cost to clean the inside of lower floor communal windows four times a year. Some smaller blocks also have the exterior communal windows cleaned and are charged accordingly.
Communal Repairs
Rechargeable Repair/Works (internal and external repairs to shared areas). This charge is for most repairs undertaken to a block or blocks of properties and is rechargeable.
Digital TV
Installations, repairs, and maintenance of equipment including site inspection visits.
Door Entry/ Intercom System
Maintenance, repairs, and call outs. Does not cover the cost of replacement or additional fobs, these are chargeable to the individual property making the request.
Dry riser servicing
Maintenance, servicing and testing dry riser. The system allows fire fighters to easily access water from each individual floor of the building. It consists of a vertical pipe with a water inlet on ground level located on an external wall and outlets known as landing valves, which are usually located in a dry riser cabinet on each floor.
EICR Certification (Electrical Checks & Electrical Inspections)
Comprehensive periodic inspections (EICR), in accordance with BS7671 are carried out every five years. All these checks, under Health and Safety Regulations, are also for the safety of any visitors or third parties on-site.
Electrical repairs
This charge is for any electrical repairs arising from the electrical checks and ad-hoc responsive repairs notified by caretakers or customers.
Emergency Lighting
In accordance with BS5266 Part 8 of the Electrical Safety Regulations, it is a requirement to provide emergency lighting in emergency exits and escape routes in case of a lighting failure to ensure we are fully compliant in keeping occupants and employees safe. Monthly functional tests are carried out along with annual servicing and testing.
Estate Charge
The estate charge is not used to pay for the repair and maintenance of individual properties on the estate but is used to fund services that benefit the whole estate, such as maintenance of children’s play areas, the landscaping of gardens and the upkeep of the private roads.
Fire Detection and prevention, including Alarms and AOV’s (automatic opening vents)
Fire alarm systems are designed to provide early notification of a fire to help reduce the risk to both the building and the people. First Choice Homes Oldham undertake several activities for maintaining of fire alarm system to ensure it operates effectively in the event of a fire emergency. Depending on your building, there might be one or more of the fire detection and prevention activities needed and carried out by qualified engineers. Charges include maintenance of systems, repairs and call outs, includes a minimum of four tests per year.
Fire Door inspections and maintenance
Fire doors are integral to the fire safety of certain buildings. Regular inspections, maintenance and repairs are carried out to all fire doors within common areas. This may also include inspections to flat entrance doors where required.
Fire Risk Assessments
Where applicable Fire Risk Assessments are undertaken by competent persons to identify any potential fire risks associated with the building. Actions and outcomes highlighted are reviewed and addressed by First Choice Homes to mitigate any associated risks identified. Fire Risk Assessments will continue to be conducted at recommended intervals.
Fire Safety Inspection (twice a year)
Where applicable, fire safety inspections are carried out on a regular cycle to supplement the buildings Fire Risk Assessment. Actions and outcomes highlighted in the inspections are reviewed and addressed by First Choice Homes to mitigate any associated risks identified.
Gardening and Grounds Maintenance
Depending on your estate/scheme services provided will include the cost of a grounds maintenance service, the maintenance of hard landscaped areas and removal of bulk waste from unadopted roads or parking areas. For green landscaped areas as above plus any grass cutting and tree/shrubbery pruning.
Gate Entry
Visual checks, care of electrical components, routine servicing, repairs, and adjustment.
Jet Wash
High pressure wash of landings, shared access ways and stair ways.
Legionella Testing
The testing of water for Legionella within the building.
Lifts Servicing/ Repair/ Insurance
This charge covers service provided and includes the cost of any repairs and the monthly service inspections to make sure there are no major faults.
Lightning Protection
Lightning protection systems are used to prevent or lessen lightning strike damage to buildings. They protect the internal electrical components of a building, helping to prevent damage to electrical accessories, fires, and electrocution.
Rotary Dryers – (Common area)
Preventative maintenance for reliability and safety of your rotary dryers in communal settings.
Sprinkler service/ repairs
Cost of repairs and regular service inspections.
Ventilation Systems
Large scale filters and fans to extract and circulate air. Help to remove and manage humid air in areas within blocks and buildings. Is an important part of the controls in place for minimising mould and mildew.
Ground rent
Your Ground Rent of £10 is due on 1 July 2024. We will send you a separate letter about this before the end of May. If you already pay your Ground rent by Direct Debit, there is nothing for you to do we will collect the payment via your direct debit at the earliest opportunity after 1 July 2024.
Your charge for heating and hot water
If we provide your heat supply through a district or communal heating system, your new charge for heating and hot water, that you pay for by pre-payment meter, has been set in line with the energy kwh costs and the increased operational costs to run the heating system.
We understand the impact that rising energy costs can have, and we continue to work with suppliers to have best value-for-money contracts for the heating system and your energy supply.

Get in touch
To get in touch with us about your lease, please email homeowners@fcho.co.uk