Major works: maintenance and repair of communal areas
Major works: maintenance and repair of communal areas
We are responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and repair of your building and estate as a whole. As a leaseholder your lease states you have to contribute towards the costs of maintenance and/or repair and are responsible for paying your share through your service charge.
We carry out on-going maintenance to all our estates but every building requires major works during its life. These works are for your benefit and whilst there may be some inconvenience, we do require your co-operation to ensure that works are completed and properties are maintained in good condition.
In the long run this may add value to your home.
How you will be consulted
Where work is going to cost more than £250 per leasehold flat, you have a legal right to be consulted before work begins. In all cases, you will receive a 'notice of intention', which you can respond to within 30 days.
You will be able to comment on the scope of the works and/or nominate a contractor in some circumstances. During the consultation process you will be sent estimated costs. You will then have another 30 days to give us your comments.
We will look carefully at your comments and will have due regard to them. However, you are not allowed to prevent the works from going ahead even if you are worried about your ability to pay. As the landlord, we have responsibility under the lease to repair and maintain the building.
Where a residents association is recognised for the purpose of service charges under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, they also have the right to be consulted about the works.
The standard of work
We aim to ensure that all works are carried out to the highest standard. However, if you have any problems or complaints about the work, please tell us whilst the contractor is on site. We will then ask the project manager responsible for the contract to sort out the problem. Following completion of the works, we may contact you to ask for your views about the standard of work and the way it was carried out.
Damage by contractors and insurance claims
We ensure that as a condition of the works contract, all contractors are fully insured against claims where they are at fault. This will enable you to claim against the contractor if they damage your home or your personal belongings or cause any personal injury to you or other people in your household. If this happens please contact the project manager as soon as possible.
Please note, where scaffolding is erected around your block, it is important that you advise your building contents insurer. If you do not tell them, the outcome of any claim may be affected.
Guarantees on works
On major contracts there is a limited 'defects liability period' that varies from six months to a year depending on the nature of the work. For some specific types of work such as roof resurfacing and windows; manufacturers may offer warranties against manufacturing defects.
Value for money
To make sure we get value for money, major works contracts are competitively tendered and may be procured through our framework agreements.
Long term maintenance contracts
We select contractors to carry out maintenance work to properties on long-term contracts such as those for communal heating systems, lifts and door entry systems. As a leaseholder, you will still have a liability to contribute to a share of the costs of works carried out to your block. We are required by law to consult with you if we are intending to enter into any long-term contract.

Get in touch
To get in touch with one of our advisors about your lease, please email homeowners@fcho.co.uk