Electrical safety checks
Electrical safety checks
We periodically carry out electrical safety checks to ensure the electrical system to your home is safe for you to use. It is important that we carry out these checks, for us and for you.
Why is it important to have my electrical safety check carried out?
Having you electrical safety check carried out will ensure the electrical system in your home is safe for you to use and meets the standards set-out by the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) Wiring Regulations.
How often will my home require an electrical safety check?
Electrical safety checks are carried out every 5 years.
What is checked?
- A full visual and functional inspection of all the electrical accessories in your home (sockets, switches, lighting points, etc.) Any which are found to be damaged or faulty will be replaced.
- A series of tests will be carried out on the wiring. If any of the wiring is found to be substandard or damaged it will be repaired or replaced.
- The consumer unit (electric box).
- An Electrical Condition Installation Condition Report will be completed.
How long will it take to complete my electrical safety check?
It will normally take no more than 3 hours to complete. However, if the engineer identifies a wiring fault it may take longer and a further visit may be required.
Where and what will the engineer require access to?
The engineer will require access to all the rooms in your home and to all your electrical accessories. All accessories require unplugging from the socket outlet, if this could be done before the engineer arrives it will dramatically speed up the testing process. If any of your electrical accessories are covered by items which cannot be moved, for example a wardrobe or a fish tank, you will not be expected to move these.

For more information
If you would like any further information regarding your electrical safety check, please call our Contact Centre on 0161 393 7117.