Behind the scenes at our Higginshaw environmental days
Throwback to last week when our Assets, Neighbourhood Care and Neighbourhoods teams, together with our contractor partner, Connolly Ltd held three environmental days in our Higginshaw neighbourhood to support customers to get rid of their rubbish and help to tidy up the streets.
Members of our team and colleagues from Connolly’s, which is delivering a £960k improvement programme in Higginshaw Village for us this year, organised skips for locals to dispose of unwanted items in and did a litter pick of the area to help spruce it up.

David Wrigley, our Head of Neighbourhood Care said: “Most people take pride in where they live, but unfortunately a minority don’t and rubbish and fly tipping are persistent issues. Here in Higginshaw village, fly tipping is an ongoing problem and tackling it is in our Neighbourhood Plan for the area.
“We know the negative impact that waste and litter have on people and their area and these environmental days are the first of a programme of similar sessions that we will be rolling out over the next three years to neighbourhoods where fly tipping has been identified as problematic.
“They build upon the good work we did last autumn with colleagues from Oldham Council to deal with the amount of rubbish dumped on FCHO-owned land. Our initiatives included skip days in the Derker and Holts neighbourhoods, which were very positively received and learning from these sessions has informed our approach.”
Glenn Martin, our Head of Assets - Investment Delivery said: “We’re pleased to be partnering on this project with Connolly’s, whose team is passionate about making a difference to our customers and the local community through their work with us."