Customer Sustainability Champions launch to help make homes and neighbourhoods greener
Our Customer Sustainability Champions group launched this month, helping us on our journey to make our customers’ homes and communities, and our business, more sustainable and fit for the future.

The group is made up of eight FCHO customers from across the Oldham borough who are passionate about helping us tackle climate change in our homes and neighbourhoods. Their input will be key to helping us achieve environmental targets in our Big Plan and Sustainability Strategy.
The champions’ first meeting took place online on Thursday 8 September, hosted by our Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, and Stronger Communities teams.
Members joined the Webex session to meet one another, learn more about their role and share their views on topics they will be discussing over the next 12 months.
Customers are at the heart of what we do and it’s brilliant to have this group of champions onboard who are interested in sustainability and climate change issues and want to make a positive difference in Oldham.
There was terrific energy at the first meeting and already the group has brought us new ideas and views on our priorities and how we can make our home and neighbourhoods greener, now and for years to come.
Kendall and Jess are both Customer Sustainability Champions and are keen to help shape our work.
Kendall says: “I decided to take on this role, as I am whole-heartedly committed to making FCHO a better more customer focused landlord.
“I feel that by helping to make FCHO more sustainable, it’ll be the key to a better future for all of us tenants - as well as for our families, pets and wildlife.
Jess adds: “Making homes greener will hugely benefit tenants in a variety of ways, for example helping to reduce the cost of their energy bills and relieving financial pressures, which the current cost of living crisis has shown to be more important than ever.”
Our plans
Over the next four years our organisation is working to reduce our environmental impact, and our Customer Sustainability Champions will be helping us achieve these aims.
We are focusing on:
- Supporting customers to move out of fuel poverty
- Increasing the energy efficiency of our homes
- Building good quality, energy efficient and low carbon new homes
- Aiming to achieve net zero carbon emissions
- Improving the biodiversity of our green spaces
- Reducing the amount of waste, we produce and increase how much we recycle.
Want to get involved and become a Customer Sustainability Champion?
Please email and a member of our team will contact you for a chat about the role.