‘One customer says they haven’t felt this positive about their life and their future before’: joint working with Oldham Council to tackle homelessness
Rough sleepers in Oldham have been helped off the street and into safe accommodation, thanks to a new joint initiative from us and Oldham Council.
Ten unoccupied non-residential properties across the borough have been refurbished and converted into one and two-bedroom homes for individuals and couples in Oldham with a long or repeated history of rough sleeping.

The re-purposed properties have been allocated to people in need by Oldham Council’s Homelessness Service.
As part of their tenancy, the new occupants are also receiving assistance from our Community Impact Team to help them build a life away from homelessness.
The vital initiative has been made possible by £167k funding from the government’s Next Steps Accommodation Programme (NSAP), plus a contribution from us of £243k.
Kelly Webb, our Director of Customer Services says: “This project helps our joint efforts with Oldham Council to protect some of our borough’s most vulnerable people and we’re hearing first-hand about the significant difference it’s making. One customer tells us they haven’t felt this positive about their life and their future before.
“Sadly, their story isn’t unusual but now they have got a safe place to call home, resettle and develop independent living skills. Assistance from our Community Impact Advisors is also helping these people take the next steps in their journey to sustained tenancies and prevent them from returning to a life on the streets and I wish them every success.”
Oldham Council Leader Amanda Chadderton, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing, said: “We wish everyone the best of luck in their new homes and futures.
“These properties will help some of the most vulnerable people in our borough and we look forward to supporting them to get back on their feet.
“Nobody should be sleeping on the streets and we will continue to work alongside our partners to do everything in our power to put an end to it.”