Supporting local litter heroes from Richmond Academy Primary School
Last week we were delighted to support Richmond Academy Primary School’s community litter pick in the West Street/ Vale Drive area.

Members of our team together with colleagues from Caddick Construction, which is delivering our West Vale exemplar development in Coldhurst, joined the group of litter heroes on their mission to spruce up the green spaces and streets around the school by collecting rubbish that had unfortunately been abandoned there.
Empty bottles, sweet wrappers, takeaway cartons and plastic straws are among the items that the group cleared on their walkabout. Altogether they managed to fill 18 sacks with litter in just over half an hour. Impressive work!
Ronnie Davies, our Neighbourhood Care Team Leader (Waste Management) said “We are passionate about making a difference locally and this was a fantastic opportunity for us and the Caddick team to build links in the community as we deliver our West Vale development, and continue our work to help tackle waste and fly tipping in the neighbourhood too.
“It was great to see the pupils so engaged and eager to do their bit in the neighbourhood. They are setting a terrific example and we were delighted to be involved.”
Faye Chilekwa, Caddick Construction's North West Social Value Coordinator said: “ It was great to get involved in the community litter pick with the First Choice Homes Oldham team. It was lovely to see how passionate the pupils, teachers and parents at Richmond Academy Primary were about keeping the local area litter free. They all gave up their time after the school had closed to work together to achieve a common goal. I look forward to getting involved in many more community initiatives of this calibre.”
Community is at the heart of our West Vale development and this session builds on our work with Richmond Academy Primary School last summer. Pupils got creative with Gallery Oldham and produced some striking artwork that will soon brighten up the hoardings at our West Vale development – look out for more news coming soon.
The community litter pick is also the latest in our programme of work to address the issue of dumped rubbish in the area. In November last year we held our community waste collection day with free skips to help locals to dispose of unwanted bulky items.
On a rolling programme until March 2025 we are targeting neighbourhoods where fly tipping and waste have been identified as particular issues, and working to clear them up.
Following this, we are asking customers to do their bit to keep their area looking good.

About West Vale
West Vale is our exemplar development of 88 new affordable, green homes at the gateway to Oldham.
We are partnering with Caddick Construction to build the £21m contemporary scheme of twenty-six houses – a mix of two, three and four-bedroom family houses – and 62 one and two-bedroom apartments to meet local housing need.
All homes will be off gas, with a high energy performance rating, and use latest sustainable technologies including air source heat pumps and additional insulation to help residents save energy and money.
The mixed tenure project will see 26 homes for shared ownership under our Fabric Living brand, helping local people to get a foot on the housing ladder at an affordable price.
Sixty two properties will be available for affordable rent – set at no more than 80% of the average local market rent. Properties for rent will be allocated in line with Oldham Council’s Allocations Policy.
Plans for the West Vale site also include landscaped green spaces and a recreational zone with dedicated play area, providing a much-needed facility for younger children in the neighbourhood.
Enabling works on site began in January this year and all new homes at the development are due for completion in winter 2024.