‘We all have to do our best to look after our area and the planet,’ says Customer Sustainability Champion, Laurie
As we kick off 2024 and continue our work to make our homes, neighbourhoods and business more sustainable, we’re delighted to welcome onboard more Customer Sustainability Champions to be part of our progress.
Since their launch in 2022, our Champions have helped us make important strides towards our green ambitions. Read more here.
Now they have grown to an 18-strong group, all passionate about the planet and shaping our work.
Among those to join us is FCHO customer Laurie Macdonald, who has lived in the Alt neighbourhood for 25 years.
We caught up with her to hear how her love for neighbourhoods and communities and keen interest in the environment spurred her on to get involved.
Laurie says:
“I feel very strongly that we should keep our neighbourhoods in a good, clean healthy condition, which is what I see as sustainability.
“Making areas nicer places to live can encourage people to look after their environment and help build communities that really care about the place and that’s important to me.
“We all have to do our best to look after our area and the planet. If people look after their own area, the planet will look after itself.
“I think it’s good that FCHO is getting customers involved in its plans and I want to bring my experience as a long-standing customer to influence conversations about green issues that matter to us.”

Our Customer Sustainability Champions’ role
Our Customer Sustainability Champions come together from neighbourhoods across Oldham, with the aim of shaping our journey to net zero and delivering important benefits for our customers and the borough.
Champions meet every two months in a mix of online and in-person sessions.
These help members learn more about how FCHO is addressing a range of environmental issues and give group members the opportunity to share their views.
Their important feedback and opinions are shaping our work and helping us achieve the environmental targets in our Big Plan and Sustainability Strategy.