We’re moving another step closer to providing affordable new homes in Alt
Exciting times! Our work to transform a long term vacant plot of land in the Alt neighbourhood, and replace it with 38 much needed new, family homes is progressing well, we’re pleased to announce.
Local firm, Tyson Construction is our development partner on the scheme off Cherry Avenue. The team has now completed the site enabling works and it's into the next phase of the development programme. We're looking forward to receiving our first completed homes by spring 2022.

The £6 million development will bring 10 two bedroom and 28 three bedroom family homes, all for affordable rent, to Alt which is part of our commitment to deliver 1,100 new homes by 2026.
Joel Owen, our Development Director, said: “It’s great to see this scheme begin to take shape and it means we’re another step closer to providing more affordable homes for people in our communities. The homes are part of our ambitious plans to build more, modern, quality properties for people in Oldham and surrounding areas and I look forward to work progressing over the course of this year.”