We’re still here for our customers: delivering our services online and by phone


To keep our customers and our colleagues safe, our offices continue to be closed to customers and we’re delivering a reduced face-to-face service.

We are monitoring official coronavirus advice, and as soon as we have an update on when we will be reopening First Place and other locations at which we deliver face-to-face services, we’ll be in touch with our customers with more details.

Please be reassured that our teams are still here to help you and they are now delivering their services online and by telephone. You can find details below:

Applying for a home

To bid on one of our homes visit our www.mymoveoldham.co.uk

You can also bid on our homes, and other social homes, by registering with Oldham Council’s Housing Options Service.

Community Impact Services

For advice on benefits, managing money, affordable food and more, get in touch with our Contact Centre, which will pass on your enquiry to our Community Impact team. Email servicecentre@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.

Directions employment service

Our Directions employment service can help you if you are looking for work, training, volunteering and more. Email directions@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 5550.

Paying your rent

Our team can answer any questions you have about paying your rent. Call 0161 393 5353

Reporting a repair

Report emergency repairs to our Contact Centre. Email servicecentre@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.

Report routine repairs through MyAccount on our website www.fcho.co.uk.  If you cannot use My Account then call our Contact Centre on 0161 393 7117.

Please be aware that routine repairs may take longer than usual due to how busy we are at the moment.

General information

Get in touch with our Contact Centre. Email servicecentre@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.

For out more on the coronavirus: what we’re doing to lower the risk web page

For all the latest information about how coronavirus may affect your tenancy with us, please visit our dedicated web page, or get in touch with our Contact Centre. Email servicecentre@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.