Suppliers and procurement
As a registered provider of social housing, how we procure goods, works and services is legislatively bound by the Public Contract Regulations 2024 (Procurement Act 2023), the Regulator of Social Housing and Homes England.
Our focus is to achieve value for money, improve operational performance through our supply chain, have good governance and to support this wherever possible sustainably and with added social value for our customers and communities
Want to become a supplier?
We procure around £50m worth of goods, works and services every year from a variety of suppliers.
We work with a range of business types and sizes which supply everything from building new affordable homes for FCHO to existing property repairs and maintenance, labour and materials to waste management services, vehicle fleet and more.
All of our procurement opportunities are issued via the Delta eSourcing platform.
If you are interested in working with us, you can register on the system to receive alerts for relevant tenders when they are issued.
Update to our procurement processes from 24 February 2025
Under the new Public Contract Regulations, from 24 February 2025 all of FCHO’s procurement opportunities valued at £214,904 inc. VAT and above for supplies and services, and £5,372,609 inc. VAT and above for works will be published on UK Government Central Digital Platform (CDP).
Please note that FCHO will continue to use the Delta eSourcing platform to advertise our notices, manage bids and conduct procurement activities as well. The Central Digital Platform will be an additional website where FCHO procurement opportunities are published.
The central digital platform (CDP)
The CDP is an online portal for UK contracting authorities including housing associations like FCHO to publish their procurement notices.
It is where suppliers can easily find out what opportunities are coming along that they might wish to bid for, as well as details on contracts that have been let, how contracts are being changed and other useful information.
When can suppliers register for the CDP?
Suppliers only need to register for the CDP at the point that they want to bid for a contract after the law comes into force on 24 February 2025.
The GOV.UK website will publish details when the service is ready for suppliers to register. Registering and entering supplier information should be fairly straightforward and quick, especially if you have to hand all of the information that you need before you begin.
What information will suppliers need to register with the CDP?
Basic Information: Name, address, Companies House number (or equivalent, e.g. Charity number), VAT Number (if applicable), relevant qualifications or trade assurances and whether the organisation is a SME, VCSE or public mutual.
Financial information: Copies of your accounts from the most recent financial years
Connected Persons: Names, addresses and details on any connected persons to the business (e.g. persons with significant control). These are individuals or organisations who have influence or control over the supplier.
Exclusions: Details of any discretionary or mandatory exclusions for the supplier or connected persons as set out in schedules 6 & 7 of the Procurement Act 2023.
For further guidance about the CDP for suppliers, please visit the GOV.UK website.

Contact us
To speak to a member of our team about Procurement opportunities, please contact 0161 393 7117 or email procurement@fcho.co.uk.