Eldon Street and Hathershaw

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Welcome to Eldon Street and Hathershaw

Do you live in the area? Thinking of moving here?

This neighbourhood plan will provide you with all the info you need, from the number of homes we own in the area and what our current customers think about living here, to investment works and support we are providing.

We love our homes and neighbourhoods and we are passionate about making a difference and working together to build vibrant and safe communities where you love to live too.

We work closely with customers and listen to your feedback so we can put in place action plans to address any key issues and make Eldon Street and Hathershaw a great place to live.

Meet the Eldon Street and Hathershaw Neighbourhood Team

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Imran Ahmed

Neighbourhood Co-ordinator

0161 393 7117

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Carl Turner

Neighbourhood Manager

0161 393 7117

  • Help with tenancies – signing up, maintaining a tenancy, name changes, extra people moving in
  • Support customer in their homes – make sure our homes are in great condition and suitable for our customers and their families, carry out property checks, help with domestic violence or abuse, antisocial behaviour and safeguarding
  • Our neighbourhoods – make sure our areas are kept clean and tidy - dealing with fly tipping, untidy gardens, abandoned cars

More information on our Neighbourhood Team.

ASB team

ASB Team – We want our tenants and communities to be proud of the area you live in. We're here to provide information, advice and support to you if you have any questions about antisocial behaviour and social housing fraud.

Income Collection Officers

Income Support Team – We're here to help and support you if you’re in financial difficulties or you’re struggling to pay your rent. The rent collected helps to pay for all the great work happening in our neighbourhoods including investment works, grounds maintenance and repairs.

Community Impact Team

Community Impact Team – We’re not just about homes. We can help with other personal or family circumstances you may need support with from finding a job, accessing training or volunteering to affordable food, welfare advice or help and advice on how to live independently.

Neighbourhood Care Team

Neighbourhood Care Team – We’re responsible for all aspects of grounds maintenance and cleaning within our neighbourhoods on a seasonal programme to ensure resources are provided across our neighbourhoods.

To find out when we’ll be in your area, visit our caretaking and gardening pages.


Our Eldon Street
and Hathershaw

  • Our client testimonials, pretty speech quotes icon

    Make your presence felt in the area.

    Our client testimonials, pretty speech qutes icon
  • Our client testimonials, pretty speech quotes icon

    We'd like to see cleaner neighbourhoods free from fly-tipping and rubbish.

    Our client testimonials, pretty speech qutes icon
  • Our client testimonials, pretty speech quotes icon

    For me, my neighbourhood is fine.

    Our client testimonials, pretty speech qutes icon
  • Our client testimonials, pretty speech quotes icon

    Noise nuisance is an issue.

    Our client testimonials, pretty speech qutes icon

What our customers from the local area think


Feel we listen to their views and act on them


Are happy with the overall service


Say they are kept informed by us


Trust us as their housing provider


Love their neighbourhood


Feel we treat them fairly and with respect


Are satisfied with our complaint handling approach


Are satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour


Are happy with the time taken for their most recent repair


Are happy with the overall repairs service

You said, we will

Action plans: we asked our customers in the local area and they said...


We will:

Carry out monthly walkabouts and ensure these are publicised to all customers and residents.

Encourage customers and residents to approach us and join the walkabouts to discuss any concerns, or contact your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator separately to arrange a one-to-one discussion.


Monthly walkabouts are being carried out. Invites have been sent to the local policing team to attend future walkabouts.

Please feel free to join your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator when they're in your area.

We will:

Work with the police, internal teams and partners to tackle issues our customers are facing.


Continuing to work closely with internal and external teams to resolve antisocial behaviour on the estates. Information is passed to the police and our Community Legal team to aid any investigations.

Following some issues, security gates will be installed at Heywood House to prevent non-residents accessing the blocks.

Security gate update: There has been a delay and these should be installed in 2022/23.

We will:

Carry out monthly walkabouts on Eldon Street and Hathershaw and contact customers and listen to your concerns in the area, investigating issues where a perpetrator has been identified.

Work with our Neighbourhood Care team and Oldham Council to resolve the issues around fly tipping and rubbish.

Liaise with customers who may not be maintaining their gardens and areas around their homes and give support or take the appropriate action.


Our Neighbourhood Care team clean all the blocks three times a week and remove all fly tipping and rubbish within 48 hours.

A review is being carried out on how to better manage rubbish around the the bin chutes and possible solutions for recycling.

Garden inspections are carried out during monthly walkabouts and action is taken where appropriate.

We will:

Respond to any contact within 24 hours.

Take action and provide support including signposting to other teams and agencies.

Ensure that feedback is given to all concerns raised.


All enquiries are being responded to within 24 hours of receiving them.

Our homes in Eldon Street and Hathershaw

  • House types
    • 143 one bedroom flats
    • 35 two bedroom flats
    • 104 two bedroom houses
    • 41 three bedroom houses
    • 86 other types of houses
  • 44 homes have had new fire doors installed
  • 81 customers supported by adapting their homes
  • Top 3 repairs carried out:
    • Plumbing
    • Joinery
    • Electrical

Supporting our customers in Eldon Street and Hathershaw

Facts and figures


People from the area supported into work


People from the area helped by our employment team


People from the area who we have helped stay in work

Getting involved in what's going on in Eldon Street and Hathershaw

We know that living in a great community can make an area a great place to live.

We want to make sure that you have a stake in the place where you live which is why we are encouraging you have your say on your area. Get involved, make a difference, and help shape what matters to you.

From neighbourhood clean ups and drop in sessions, to block champions and customer voice panels. However you want to get involved we have lots of events going on.

Join your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator on their walkabout where you can discuss any concerns or issues you may have with your home or area:

  • 1st Thursday (Eldon Street estate) of every month from 11am - 1pm
  • 2nd Thursday (Hathershaw estate) of every month from 11am - 1pm