The Live Well Service

What does it do?
The Live Well Service is a bespoke intensive housing management service which we offer in-house, as an extra form of assistance for any of our customers who need it. Its purpose is to offer additional advice, assistance, and help so our customers can stay ‘living well’ in their homes – whatever this might mean for them. By signing up to access the service, you will receive regular contact, either face-to-face or over the phone, from your very own dedicated personal advisor who you can also contact directly with any enquiries you may have, without needing to go via our Contact Centre.
Once you join our Live Well service, you will be allocated a Live Well Advisor who will help you with whatever it is you need, from regular meet ups or chats, reporting repairs, caretaking, dealing with rent enquiries, any benefit issues, or any letters or forms you may need help with, to name just a few.
Your advisor is also equipped with the knowledge and skills to signpost you to other services that you may be interested in. These are services which can help tackle feelings of isolation or loneliness and help you to become involved in your neighbourhood, such as local community groups or initiatives going on where you live, even attending with you at first to help you build up confidence.
Your Live Well Advisor will check in with you on a regular basis to see if you need any help and for a friendly chat, giving you peace of mind that someone is always there if you need them.
Your Live Well Advisor will be based near to where you live and, in some instances, they will be based at an office, building or community centre near to your home where you will be able to call in to see them.
Sounds good, how do I sign up?
Our service costs just £11.52 per week. If you receive housing benefit, this could cover the cost of the Live Well service as it may come under ‘intensive housing management’, depending on your personal circumstances. If you are unsure, we can help you find out whether the cost would be covered in your claim.
If you would like to find out more or sign up, please complete the expression of interest form provided below and click submit. One of our Live Well Advisors will contact you at a time that is convenient to you. Alternatively, you can also contact us on us on 0161 393 7117 and ask for The Live Well Service.

Feel like 'you' again with Live Well
Get in touch with us today at CommunityServices@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.